12 Sept 2012

I want to start blogging again, but i Suk!

I may change the title of this blog, I may not. When I think of blogging, I have thoughts like, 'Why?' 'Is anyone going to read it?' 'Do I want anyone to read it?' "Is any of this going to bite me in the ass later?' Well, to start off, I may or may not change the title of this blog because I may or may not want anyone to read it. If I leave it as is, It will probably get no attention as it's an old blog and I'm not in Africa any more. Do you remember Encyclopedias? I do. Well, I'm already thinking of other micro-blogs that I wanna do. Look, I half hope that no one ever reads this and the following blogs, and I fully hope that I'll find some sort of motivation beyond bartending.