5 Mar 2009

What is Intelligent Design?

This morning when I woke up, the first thing I did was stumble over to my laptop and check my email. This isn't necessarily my routine, but what is? Upon opening my Gmail account, I found an email from a friend Bob, among other emails. I have a bad habit of receiving emails from friends that are forwarded or have links to other sites and information, and not really looking into it. This morning for whatever reason I felt compelled to actually read and take a look at the links within this particular electronic message. One of the links took me to a web page promoting a documentary titled "Expelled" subtitled "No Intelligence Allowed." I looked into it, and found that Ben stein was not only featured in this documentary, but also had a hand in writing it. The site is filled with more than just a "buy our DVD" but also has very good questions and definitions regarding the Intelligent design and Evolution. Now here is the kicker, I did not only read that email and visit the site, but I also stopped at Block Buster on my way home and picked up the DVD and watched it.

I have to say that I was very surprised that not only is this documentary done well, but seems to be genuinely non-biased. If you're thinking that the documentary is supporting religious or political views, I would say that it is not. I would find it hard to convince someone that I am not biased, because I do believe in the bible, in Jesus Christ, and that men were created in the image of God, but this DVD supports freedom. Freedom to ask if Darwinism can explain everything, or if there is more. Freedom to research the possibility that there could be an intelligent designer.

Here is the link to the website http://www.expelledthemovie.com/ I suggest you look at it no matter what you believe. This documentary is compelling. If you know me personally and you're reading this, I have the DVD till March 13th and would be more than willing to lend it to you for an evening. Check it out, the movie has a 95 min run time and will not put you to sleep.