21 Mar 2009

What is truth?

I have in my hand a twelve lesson set of DVD's called "The Truth Project" This project comes from an organization called Focus on the Family and the founder and chairman is James C. Dobson, Ph.D.

"Focus on the Family's The Truth Project is a DVD-based small group study designed to equip believers witha comprehensive biblical worldview."

Essentially it's 12 lessons of Dr. James Dobson teaching on Christian worldview, but that is not all. The vision is to have a small group of people meet together regularly (i.e. 12 weekly meetings) watch the video, discuss the topic for that week, and then pray for one another. The focus, isn't to sell DVD's but to see Transformation, Fellowship, and Multiplication. It is very similar to the model we use for Life groups at New Life Providence Church. We live in a world where most people would not know how to answer the question "What is truth?" Understanding what a worldview is and even being able to understand your own world view is very important for each and everyone of us. Although, these are supposed to be watched in a small group setting, I am watching them on my own and I will probably run through all 12 in a weeks time, because the DVD's are not mine and I'm leaving for Zambia very soon. I do hear, however, that there is and will be more groups from New Life that will meet and feature this series. If this interests you at all, I suggest you look into it a bit more.

The wesite is http://www.thetruthproject.org/ Check it out, there is a short trailer and more information. Also, if you are connected to New Life at all, ask someone on staff about it and see if there is a group you can get connected to.